       Modern Literature

   Tom Fallon               Now is Creation!        

Wall Works

The next two word creations, "untitled," are examples of my efforts with the whole page space, a method I termed at the time, "designing the page".  Although I'd previously used much of the page space when creating, I was not using as much of the space of the page as I could and one day realized that it was a possibility.  I moved in that direction and began to employ the space between words, phrases and lines in creations.  The word creations then had some visual space of the page to affect the literal value of creations.  At that time, I was using the 8.5 x 11 inch size paper page so quickly "ran out of space" so to speak. 

My use of space began with normal word creations as I increased space between lines to slow a reader's intellect for comprehension.  This worked well when I read a creation publicly, but is diffiuclt to comprehend for those reading from the page unless they are directed to the spacing.  Part of the problem is that the spacing is only increased, and, I learned, not wide enough.  So...

About six years ago, I moved toward 11 x 17 size pages with the concept of "designing the page" in mind.  These larger works were to be presented on a wall and read or viewed as one would "read" or view paintings in a gallery.  As time passed, I graduated to the 24 x 36 inch paper page.

The large size wall works to date have not been created in serial form although I am presently developing one creation in that direction.  The latter will have more than one 36 x 48, or larger, size pages.

I began to work on serial wall works with 8 x 10 or 8 1/2 x 11 size pages to be presented side by side on a wall, or in various patterns vertically, for viewing.  
I am not posting these large sized wall works on the website.  In the past I did so but it is impossible for a reader or viewer to appreciate the larger sized works if they are displayed on the small computer screen.

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